24 March 2010


So it is mad late and I am tired but I had to write this. I think this is so important. I was reading this book earlier today "Go for Gold" by John C. Maxwell.

It talks about in the 1968 Olympics how the crowds were watching a marathon and they where waiting for the last runner to come across the finish line. they waited a long time. Eventually as people started to give up and leave they heard sirens in the distance from an ambulance. And a short time after the last runner entered the track to run his last 400 meters.

"It was John Stephen Akhwari from Tanzania. As he ran the 400-meter circuit, people could see that his leg was bandaged and bleeding. He had fallen and injured it during the race, but he hadn’t let it stop him. The people in the stadium rose and applauded until he reached the finish line.

As he hobbled away, he was asked why he had not quit, injured as he was and having no change of winning a medal. “My Country did not send me to Mexico City to start the race,” he answered. They sent me to finish the race.”

Akhwari looked beyond the pain of the moment and kept his eye on the big picture of why he was there. As you make the success journey, keep in mind that your goal is to finish the race – to do the best you’re capable of doing.”

I think this is so important, we are not called to win or to lose, and we as Christians are called to run the race that God has given to us. To do our best and to bring glory to Jesus. We are not out to be the best or to make a name for ourselves we are out there because Jesus asked us to and we love him that much. The pain we are going through is part of the race we volunteered to run and we should look through it and see the importance of the race we are running. Time for bed…later ;)

1 comment:

  1. Loretta Lambert25 March, 2010 00:56

    Great story!!Thanks for the great encouragment!!
