09 March 2010

day after day

Sometime I really have to take a step back and remember that God is in control because I can get lost with everything going on. Like yesterday I was at a range for 6+ hours with tons of home work to do. Problem set due tomorrow (I do not understand) Military Art paper I have not really started due in two days. All that gets so big I forget I have a friend who is some much bigger than me.

But I was reading my friends blog this morning a post from 2 Jan 10. And she talked about walking and talking with God like the people in the Bible, also she noted the verse where it says that God is the same today, tomorrow and forever. If God is the same now and always why do I not talk to him? He is waiting to talk with me but I get so lost in the day to day stuff.

I get so overwhelmed some times with everything I have to do. But I guess it is a good thing to feel helpless because it means I have to pray and walk with God all the closer because I cannot do this by myself. You string a couple 19+ hour work days together and you start to realize just how weak you are and how little you are in control.

So the I guess the lesson to learn from this is that I have a friend walking by my side that I have not been talking to who want to help me. So I want to talk with him more.

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