24 October 2010

Decade of Destiny

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Decade of Destiny Sermons

Waking up

Think of how it feels in the morning when you open your eyes for the first time. You open your eyes and the first gleam of dawn is peaking through the blinds or the moon is still smiling on you. But that first step is always the hardest, the first step of getting out of bed. Of actually starting the day before you. I got eye surgery on Wednesday (20 Oct) my eyes are still hurting and opening them in the morning is still one often hardest thing in my day. The first day or so I could see pretty well however over the past day or so they have gotten worse which is what the doctor said would happen. But still is a little scary. That is what I feel like spiritually some times. I am a brand new Christian (if you want to know more about why I say this ask me) and I am opening my eyes to who Jesus is and what it means to have a real relationship with Him. The first steps hurt they are hard, the first couple of days are really nice though you can see clearly and things make sense however then the third day hits and things get blurry again. This is one of the hardest parts because even though I know ideologically and theoretically things will get better it is really hard to believe some times. As a new Christian I am falling in love with Jesus for real for the first time and I am learning that relationships are not as easy as they are made to appear some times. They take a lot of time and energy however my relationship with Jesus is more than worth it and the time spent on this relationship on this love will not be waited or lost.

Jesus says to us that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all our soul, with your entire mind and with all your strength. And the second most important commandment is to love your neighbored as yourself.

But the most important one is to love Him. If my whole focus is to love Him with all that I have of metal power, physical power, and emotional power the love for him will be returned to me and will overflow on those near to my life like my neighbors. Jesus never asks us to give or do anything that we do not have or we cannot do.

I pray
Jesus give me the strength to realize that I have not strength, give me the wisdom to recognize that I have no wisdom because without you a am nothing and I can do thinking. Please fill me with you and teach me every day to love you more and more.

05 October 2010

Wow freedom is amazing!

I have tasted freedom and I now have the taste in my mouth and I will never forget it. It like I was a slave all my life and never knew what freedom was or what I was missing so I never knew how much I would be willing to sacrifice to pursue it. But now I have tasted it I am not free yet but I know what I am fighting for.

I have been seeing signs that I am getting closer thought. Last night my best friend told me about some amazing news and normally I would have been happy but jealous but last night as he was telling me this story all I felt was a sense of overwhelming joy and peace. I was truly and deeply happy for him. This is a feeling that I have not felt in a long time because I normally compare myself to others and their success’s and it get arrogant or jealous over it. But last night none of that I was just filled with the joy of Jesus, pure and true for my friend. (Love you man).

In this journey towards freedom and starting to plan crops that will yield a mighty harvest of righteous first I have to clear the field. I have sowed many fields but they are laced with wheat and chaff, I have started to build a foundation but the foundation is laced with concrete and mud and it will not hold. I have to reap that harvest that I have sowed I have to clear the foundations that are not in accordance with God’s building codes (civil joke).

Cutting crops and throwing them out is not fun, breaking up the foundations is not a pleasant task. Pain is the name of the season, forward movement is the direction and freedom is the goal!!!

Have a great day and learn from my suffering. Sow only in your life the seeds of God that lead to righteous. Put the hard work in in the beginning, it is all worth it. Trust me.

Love God, grow closer to him daily!
Never, never, never, never, never settle for second best!!!!!