02 September 2010

The Story.....The Hunt!!!!!!

“I wonder what type of story we have fallen into?”

Sam says this in Lord of the Rings, he has asked an amazing question. But first he is assuming that he is in a story he is part of a great adventure. This is so important.

Some of my previous blogs are a little dark and written by a person who was really discouraged. But I am seeing that I am part of a great story and I am trying to kill that person. The battle is raging and I am fighting for my heart, for my soul, for the real nature of who I really am. But I am not alone in this battle, I have Jesus at my right hand directing the battle for me and swing and cutting along with me. He is showing me how to fight and where to strike.

I am uncovering a passion and a heart that I did not know that had. I love to read which I have always hated; I am starting to love to spend time with God which I have always seen as something I must do but not as necessary. If you LOVE someone you will do anything to spend time with them. And I am climbing in love with Jesus as fast as I can.
(I never liked the analogy of falling in love. Because it sounded like we did nothing to love that person, but I did not fall in love with Jesus I am “climbing” in love with him. Every day I am reading I am studying and growing in my love, growing closer to him every day in every way. It is absolutely amazing.

The books that I am devouring right now are all of CS. Lewis and John Eldgredge’s books. These men have done so much for me that I almost literally owe my life to the work that Christ has done through them. Until I read their books I had not really understood what I as missing and where I was going wrong.

But now I know that for the past 13 plus years I have been sitting on my heart. I have been safe. I have been without real passion (which is strange for those who know me because they would say I am the most passionate person they know). But I am finding my heart after many heart years of it being lost. This past summer I went in search of my heart and it was a journey I will not soon forget. My life is forever changed because of it.

I do not know much but what I do know is this. Man was created to be wild, dangerous, untamed, unfettered, unrestrained, and alive. Man is all these things because that is the nature of God that we were created to resemble. When God, “let us create man in our own image.” He really did make us in his own image.

I want to be known as, Joe the crazy man who was wild and dangerous a man who could stand for what he believed and was not afraid to stand for what was right.

I want to be the man I was meant to be. The only way I am going to be able to do that is if I fine my heart. It has been missing for a long time and I have found part of it but many areas are still in hiding and need to be hunted. The journey is not safe, it is dangerous and I do not know what I will find but I am going to start it anyways. Like Lewis and Clark started across America, if they had been too afraid to go and step out into the unknown who know what might have happened.

As I take this journey I am going to be real with you. Why I am not yet sure but I am going to be as real as I can. In the hope that my journey will help you in the search for your own heart.

…..farewell, good luck, good hunting……and…….BE DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Joe...I love your new post. It was very encouraging to read!! Love you!!

  2. If you like CS Lewis you might want to check out George MacDonald. I am not so sure about all of his theology, but he has amazing perspectives on creativity and the imagination, even for today, written in the Victorian era.

    I am enjoying your blogs, thoughtful and inspiring. I miss you Joey.

  3. This was great! You quoted LOTR which I love,you gave a shout out to one of my favorite authors, Lewis, and you told me what I needed to hear. Thanks Joey!!! =)

  4. mom thank you

    crystal i will try and look into MacDoland but right now i am over whelmed with lewis and john eldgrege. good to hear from you, miss you all up there too.

    stephanie great i am so gald that something i wrote was able to help you.
