08 September 2010

Time in a day

You would not think that you could have every hour of the day filled with an hour and 15 minutes worth of stuff to do. But that is what yesterday felt like. It felt like from 0600 to 0030 I had stuff to do. I stopped doing stuff for 30 minutes in the afternoon and took a nap, amazing for me but it felt so good.

You do not realize how amazing time it until you have so little and it is so precious. So why do we waste so much of our time if it is that important? I always wonder at that after I have waited some time. our time on earth is limited so why would we waist even a second.

I hate wasted time. There is little in life I hate more than wasted time. It gets me so angry! But sometimes I get so angry over the 10 minutes I just lost that I will spend 5 minutes being mad over it, which is the wrong answer.

I have found that the only way I can go through the day and not go crazy is that I give all my time over to Jesus and just work and live to the full. If I am studying, be all there. If I am reading be all there. In whatever I am doing be all there and do it with everything I have. This is the only way to maximize my time.

Time is precious, not all the money in the world can buy even a single minute of your life back.

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