05 September 2010

The story

What is it about stories that move us so? We watch movies, we read books, and we listen to songs. There is something in us that makes us cry or laugh or want to go out and do something great. It is the story that these mediums tell us about. It is the story that we want to be a part of.

We were born in to a story that is so big and so amazing. But we have a part to play every one of us. A very important part and a vital part, the question is we going to play it or are we going to sit back and watch it are played.

I for one do not want to be left out of the story any more. I have been outside of my story for long enough and I have seen and read enough to know that if I sit out for too long it will be late for me to get back in. God always gives us a second, third,…..um-teenth change but every time we take ourselves out of the story. The perfect story that God intended for us to live we lose a little bit of what God intended for us to have. God says there is all I have to offer. We say I do not want that part or we are not ready for that part because we are unprepared and we miss out on some of the joy that God intended for us to have.

I have watched so much of my story pase me by and I have made my stand and I say NO MORE!


We are born into a story, not a peaceful story, not a story without danger we were born into a story with a war a war that has been going on from the beginning of time and we are the center of the war. The war is over us. The war is for our hearts.

In the book, Waking the dead and Epic. Both written by John Eldridge he talks about how are in a world and war and we have a part of play in the story that is being told and has been going on for thousands of years (do not start the age of the earth argument with me).

But I have been thinking about it. If I am part of this story and God is setting the stage for me in this play. He has allowed me; he is allowing us to write the script. This is scary. Would any director put an actor on a stage with a scene and say “ok go.” No way, he would not. But God did, he created the stage and said “go, live life, enjoy life. I created you to have fun in this play. To take your part and make it yours.”

If I was God and I had just made something that had the ability to love the way that humans love I would want them all to love me. At least to be grateful for giving them life and thank me. But he put us here on the earth and said we are free to choice to love him or not.

That is what the story is about. It is about God saying I am here and I love you more than anything. I love you enough to put such amazing detail into the smallest of my creations on this earth. But I want you my people to choose to love me.

The story is a romance, but it is also an action story because there is a bad guy and he does not want us to love God. So he fights us tooth and nail to make sure we do not get to play our role in the play.

The days that I feel the weakest are the days where I know I am making the most impact. The days where I know that I cannot do the right things are the days I know that I have to do them because I am playing my role to the full.

This post is really long but I had to get this out there. I feel like I have been thrown into a war story and I did not know my part to play but now I am learning it. I feel like there is so much out there that we as a cast just to not understand and it is killing us.

I know what story I am a part of and I am fighting every day to play my part with all that I have of strength with all of my soul and with every ounce of passion and love and life that I have in my heart.

What story are you living…………………

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