05 September 2010

WAR….real or not

As Christians we go about our daily lives, doing this and saying that. But do we think about what is going on out there for REAL. Do we understand the gravity of the situation!!!! I think not.

Do we understand that there are angels and demons circle over our heads fighting for our hearts. This sounds melodramatic, “angels and demons…..huge battles…..beware the coming wrath…..” something like that but that is where we are in the most danger. One of the enemy’s strongest weapons against Christians is indifference. An indifferent Christina is an ineffective Christian. A soldier who will not pick up his sword and fight because he does not believe that he has a sword and that if he had one, there would be no uses in breaking a sweat to use it.

I know that I have never truly thought there was a war. I was told about it, kind of, but I was never TOLD about it. It is so real that now that I know I can feel the attacks ever day. It hurts… it hurts a lot.

We were born into a story a story about a world at war. But do we talk about how we can fight back…not nearly enough I would say.

My best friend and I had a talk last weekend. Well I should say he talked and I cried and talked. It was good. I have come to the realization that I do not trust God enough to let him control my life. I do not trust God enough to give him all my plans and all my dreams and say “here is my future, I trust you will do what is best.” I feel like that is like falling into an abyss only I am letting go.

Here is a secret….

I am scared of the dark! Yes big Joe Lambert is terrified of the dark. I was walking with a friend of mine down this dark road one night and she asked me what was wrong, because I was completely tense and strung out. But I have been looking at this fear and I have discovered some really interesting things about it. I am not afraid of the dark for what the dark it is am scared of what the dark represents. It represents uncertainty, weakness, directionlessness, the unknown, and above all a complete and under lost of control. This is what I am scared of. I am scared out of my mind at the thought of losing control. But that is what I must do. Jesus said any more who gains his life loses it but any more who loses it will gain it. I have to lose my life, I have to let go of my plans, I have to let go of my control so that I can gain the life that I was meant to live.

Why is letting go so hard………why is it so scary…….

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