18 August 2010


You know the feeling you get before Christmas. The feeling of extreme anticipation because you know that on the 25th day of the last month of the year you are going to get to open the presents under the tree. The feeling of excitement and anticipation grows and grows at you get closer but you know when the day is coming and you know how much fun it is going to be.

Imagine waiting for something that is 100 times better than Christmas and not knowing when it is going to happen. You can see it in front of you. You might even get a taste of it but it is not time yet. However you can satisfy this desire by opening the presents early. you get to see what it is and you get to enjoy it for a short time but then you realize that you might have opened someone else’s present and that you cheated and the present you have may not have been intended for you. So you have to wait.

I hate that. I want it to be Christmas so badly and I think I can see it but I have to wait and be patient because if I am being made to wait Jesus had a reason for it. Maybe I am not ready for it. Maybe it is not the right time for it. I do not know the only thing I do know is this.

1. Want it to be Christmas so badly I could die. Every fiber in my want to know what is going to happen, every emotion in my wants to see the outcome.
2. Even though I may think I am seeing what is coming on that day I have to keep my hands open and trust that Jesus had a plan for me. He wants to see my delight on that day even more than I do (if that were possible but it is).

………… (sigh) waiting is not easy………

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