Now do not get me wrong there is a fine line between safe and SAFE. Like you do not go sky diving without a parachute but you do go sky diving (I did not go sky diving this summer).
But we put so many boundaries on our lives some are good and some are bad because they suffocate who we are, who we were meant to be. So this summer I decided to let it go and to just try new things and to say no to as little as possible.
My summer consisted to three parts:
1. CLDT (Cadet Leaders Development Training) this was an amazing time. Military training is pretty crazy in itself so I did not have to add too much but the way that I acted was I think different. I was more open and more myself. Free to do things and not be afraid of what other thought. It was a great time, shooting, moving and communicating hahaha.
2. AIAD (Academic Individual Advanced Development) to Alaska, I was working with the Corps of Engineers and that was boring but the rest of my time in Alaska was AMAZING!!!!! (That word is actually really weak). When I was up in Alaska I was really able to live wild and dangerous. I meet some amazing people up in Alaska and that was a miracle and a blessing for God that I will never forget. These people were wild in the way they lived. They would be talking one night and then on a whim decide to scale a mountain the next day or canoe a river. While I was up there the wildest thing I did for me at least was Cross Pass. Cross Pass is a mountain pass that is normally an overnight hike, it is 24 miles, I did it in 10 hr 50 min. it was so much fun. Everyone told me I should not go along and that I should take a gun but wanted neither. I wanted to move fast and to be alone. It was probably one of the most beautiful 11 hours of my life. The pass was amazing so green and alive. I did have a couple scares that I thought were bears but I was good.
3. Last I went home and relaxed with the family, we did a family vacation to northern California. The first day we were up there we went to this really isolated beach and there was a rock formation the first part was right there and I could climb it with out to much trouble. The second one was about 20 feet from the shore and had a pretty nasty current flowing around it. Also there was a 30 foot wall between me and where the rock started to level out. I had to wade out to the rock and then climb it. It was amazing. I felt like I was doing what my heart needed. My heart was loving it. (I am in the picture if you look hard)
The purpose of these activities this summer was not to get an adrenalin rush but to feed my heart and let it be what it was meant to be. When God created man he was created outside the garden and brought into it. Man was created in the wild in the outback. We were created in a wild and dangerous place and then put in a safe tame place. This is why men always want to get out doors and do crazy, dirty things. We were designed to do that. (This comes from Wild at Heart; Girls do not feel like I am belittling you in the slightest).
My model for the summer was the Book Wild and Heart (the guy’s version) and now I am reading Captivating (the girl’s version). They are both amazing books and I have learned so much it is not even funny. I will write about them later on.
This summer I went searching for the most elusive treasure. I went hunting for the most dangerous prey. This summer I went on a quest in search of my heart. I am not sure if I have found it yet but what I do not is that the search is sweet and I am not looking alone. Jesus is searching with me and teaching me how to look.
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